Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Some Days are Diamonds ...

I am writing this in the dog days of August. We have had a week or more of 100+ temperatures, so I have been running early to avoid the heat.

Yesterday, I stepped outside the door intending to do a pace run before a storm came through. Unfortunately, I was just too late -- it had already started raining. I decided against going out, and postponed my pace run until today.

As I was warming up today, I realized that it seemed a lot tougher than usual. I thought it was foggy, but when I took off my sunglasses I realized what the problem was. After all the rain we had with the storm, the temperature had dropped, but the humidity was at least 100% -- my shades were fogging up!

I decided against a pace run, and just stuck with an easy run, although it didn't feel that easy. I felt like I was breathing underwater! Today was not one of those diamonds ...

When that sort of thing happens, I am tempted to feel disappointed in myself. but then I remind myself that it was just one run. Tomorrow will be another run, and I'll have forgotten all about today's run by then. I take each run as it comes: not good, not bad, just the way it was. And I remind myself that, just by going out there and doing it, I'm doing more than most folks!

Right now, I'm not training for any particular event, so my emphasis is on enjoying my running, rather than pushing to excel. Even when I'm training, though, I recognize that some days I just can't follow my plan. Not to worry, take a break -- there's always tomorrow.

And enjoy the diamonds when they come.