showers to cool me off! That was the day for the Capitol 10K.
Here are a couple of pictures taken after the race, and a copy
of the newsletter I sent out to my subscribers at

Your Beginning
Running Newsletter
10K and Last Day of Sale
Yesterday I hit another of my goals! I ran the Capitol 10K in
Austin, Texas. There were 6,566 timed runners, and I was not
last! (I was #6,355, so there were 211 slower than me.)
I don't know how many total runners there were, as there were a
bunch more fun runners, many in costume. All I know for sure is
that they were still finishing some time after I had stopped for
refreshments, so I felt really good about that. Since this is my
first race in nine years, I was excited, and it turned out just
For those interested in statistics, my time was 1:34:27.8 and I
was 10th out of 18 in my age group. I don't know if he was the
oldest runner, but a 97-year-old crossed the finish line about
20 minutes after me. The winner's time, by the way, was just
over 30 minutes; his pace was exactly 5 minutes per mile. (I
console myself by noticing that he is my junior by almost 40
If you're thinking about a race, you'll find a big race is a
wonderful way to boost your enthusiasm. This was the biggest
race I have run, and I have found that the bigger the race the
better my chance of not being last! Not that it really matters
-- the last person to finish gets cheered by the crowd almost as
much as the winner.
My wife took the photo of me finishing -- I had a great kick at
the end and passed the finish line before she saw me! They
announced my name just as I crossed the line, so the shot is a
little late.
Remember, today is the last day of the Road Runner Sports
One of the great things about them is that you can run in their
shoes for 60 days and then return them if they don't work for
you. Where else can you get a deal like that?
Jenkin Fitness Runner with a Beginner's Mind