We are having such wonderful weather here! I just came back from a run and sat outside for a while in the shade wearing tee shirt and shorts. It's in the 70s!
One of my goals is to run my first marathon in the spring of 2013, so I've started training for it. Today was my long run -- 90 minutes -- and I managed to increase my pace from staggering to shuffling! Instead of an 18-minute mile I cut it to 17 1/2 minutes.
(I try not to remember the day I saw Roger Bannister run the world's first four-minute mile -- it just reminds me how slow I am! I wonder if he's still running? I do know that last year they had a special celebration for him at the Iffley Road track in Oxford where he set the record, and he was in attendance -- but not running.)
My short term goal is to run the Capitol 10K in Austin this March. Before then, I hope to speed up a bit and increase my pace from shuffling to plodding. My intent is to finish within my age (i.e. no more minutes than my age in years), as I did in my first 10K when I was 55. One benefit of growing older is that I can extend my times and still reach that target!
Another New Year's Resolution for me is to lose weight. Apart from anything else, I don't need to be dragging all that fat around with me when I'm running. Two years ago I used the USANA RESET program to lose thirty pounds, but over the years between I gained back twenty. So my goal now is to lose between twenty and thirty pounds before the summer. So far, after five days, I'm ahead of schedule after losing seven pounds.
In case you're wondering about all this activity, I plan to live to 120, with an option to 130! My children will all retire long before they get their inheritance (if I don't spend it all). Like somebody said, age doesn't matter unless you're a cheese.
One thing I have discovered is that the reason New Year's Resolutions generally fail is that I start from the wrong end. By this, I mean that I need to start from my dream, then work that into goals. My dream is to live a long, healthy life: to achieve that I need to take action now. So I set goals to reach that dream, rather than setting them just for their own sake.
Feel free to comment on this blog -- it's starting to look more like a journal now!
This is the most boring blithering banal blog ever!
Get a life, Alan.
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