Today I got my first web site up and running and it looks powerful!
I'm excited that the whole process was much simpler than I thought it would be, and, of course, the next one will be easier still. Just take a look at some of the offerings I have found -- many of them free -- which make the whole process a lot easier than I could have believed. Yes it helps to learn a little HTML, but that's only because sometimes it's quicker to code stuff directly than to use a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor when it's small stuff.
Like they say, don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff.
The interesting decision now is what do I want to do with this. I have several choices:
1. Become a professional web site builder.
(I don't think that's where I want to go, but it's a possibility.)
2. Become an affiliate marketer.
(I'm doing that -- it's a great way to started with low cost and the potential for good profits. Just look at some of the deals on my site, and you'll see how they could be very profitable for anyone who wants to take advantage of them.)
3. Develop a web site to link to my USANA site.
(I think that will be my next project.)
4. Develop and sell my own products.
(That may be the project after next!)
5. More things that I'll think of later!
The best news is that I can start making this all automatic, so that when I'm off traveling the business will still carry on. There is so much help available from the people that I'm teamed with that I don't need to be there personally.
It doesn't get much better than that, does it?
Oh yes, the web site is currently at